Relyence User Guide
Upgrading the Relyence On-Premise Solution

Upgrading the Relyence On-Premise Solution

Note that all of these actions are to be done on the server where the Relyence is installed.

Before starting this process, close all browsers with Relyence open.

 Make sure you have the most recent version of .NET installed prior to upgrading Relyence.

Move Web.config to your Desktop

  1. Open Windows Explorer.
  2. Navigate to the directory where Relyence is installed (typically C:\Program Files\Relyence or C:\Program Files\Relyence 2017).
  3. Locate the Web.config file.
  4. Move the Web.config file to your Desktop.
  5. Rename the Web.config file on your Desktop to OldWeb.config.

Move the Relyence License File to your Desktop

  1. While still in your directory where Relyence is installed, locate the Relyence.lic file.
  2. Move the Relyence.lic file to your Desktop.
  3. Close Windows Explorer.

Uninstall Relyence using the Control Panel

Note that this uninstall will not affect your databases.
  1. Open the Control Panel.
  2. Click either Programs and Features or Uninstall a program under Programs based on your version of Windows.
  3. Double click the "Relyence 20XX" program where "XX" is the year associated with your current version of Relyence.
  4. Click through any dialogs that appear to allow the uninstall to complete.
  5. Close the Control Panel.

Download and Install the Relyence Update Package

  1. Download the Relyence Update Package provided by the Relyence Team.
  2. Double click on the Relyence.msi executable installation file.
  3. The Welcome to the Relyence Setup Wizard dialog appears. Click Next to continue.
  4. The Relyence Corporation Terms of Service agreement will appear. You must accept the terms to proceed. Select the I accept the terms in the License Agreement checkbox and then click Next.
  5. The Destination Folder dialog appears to allow you to select the location where you wish to install your Relyence application. If you want to select a different installation location, click Change and select the desired location, otherwise leave the default location as is. Once the location is acceptable, click Next.
  6. The Ready to install Relyence dialog appears. Click Install.
  7. A dialog may appear asking you to allow the Relyence installation to proceed with the question, "Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your PC?" Click Yes to continue.
  8. The Installing Relyence dialog along with a status bar indicator will appear as the installation proceeds. This may take a few minutes. When the installation has completed, the Next button will be activated. Click Next.
  9. A dialog may appear asking you to restart your server after the installation has completed. Click OK to continue.
  10. The Completed the Relyence Setup Wizard dialog appears to indicate that Relyence installation is complete. Click Finish.

Move the Relyence License File to your Relyence Installation Directory

  1. Open Windows Explorer.
  2. Navigate to the directory where Relyence is installed (typically C:\Program Files\Relyence).
  3. Move the Relyence.lic file from your Desktop into this directory.

Compare Web.config Files

  1. While still in your directory where Relyence is installed, locate the Web.config file.
  2. Move the Web.config file to your Desktop.
  3. Using Notepad, open the OldWeb.config file located on your Desktop.
  4. Using Notepad, open the Web.config file located on your Desktop.
  5. Locate the following section in OldWeb.config and Web.config :


<add name="memberdb" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" connectionString="Data Source=.\Relyence;Database=memberdb;User Id=sa;Password=!R3ly3nc3!;" />

<add name="appdb" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" connectionString="Data Source=.\Relyence;Database=appdb;User Id=sa;Password=!R3ly3nc3! " />



  • If you originally installed Relyence prior to Relyence 2022 Release 2 (July 2022), your password will likely be !R3ly3nc3!
  • If you originally installed Relyence with Relyence 2022 Release 2 (July 2022) or later, your password is likely !R3ly3nc3!R3ly3nc3!
  1. Compare the bold values in both of these files.
  2. If the bold values above are different between OldWeb.config and Web.config, copy any different values above from OldWeb.config to Web.config.
  3. Note that Web.config will contain a section that says MultipleActiveResultSets=True;. Do not delete this section.
  4. If you see entries for User Id and Password in OldWeb.config
    1. You are using SQL Server Authentication to log into your SQL Server Instance and no further action is required.
    2. Save and close both OldWeb.config and Web.config.
    3. MoveWeb.config from your Desktop to the Relyence installation directory.
  5. If you do not see entries for User Id and Password in OldWeb.config:
    1. Your installation is using Windows Authentication to log into your SQL Server Instance. 
    2. Please follow our guide to Use Windows Authentication for SQL Server.

Enable Relyence to Always Run and Recycle the Relyence Application Pool

  1. Please follow the sections titled Enable Relyence to Always Run and Recycle Relyence Application Pool in our guide for Installing and Setting Up the Relyence On-Premise Solution.

Start Relyence

  1. Double click on the Relyence icon on your Desktop or navigate to http://localhost/Relyence in a browser.
    1. Note that this URL may be different than your old URL for Relyence, for example if your old URL used to be http://localhost/Relyence2017.
  2. If you do not see the screen to log into Relyence and instead see a screen to register for Relyence, contact us immediately. This indicates that Relyence cannot connect to your existing databases.
  3. Log into Relyence.
    1. Your initial sign in may take a few minutes as your database is configured and set up to handle new features in Relyence.
  4. Verify that your data appears as it was prior to the upgrade.
  5. Click the User menu on the top right of the screen (your name) and click About Relyence.
    1. Verify that Relyence is licensed as it was prior to the upgrade.

Clean Up Desktop Files

  1. Relyence has now been successfully upgraded, so you may clean up any Relyence.lic or Web.config files still on your Desktop.